Tuesday, 13 January 2015

 While some see gray hair as a thing of joy, others see it as a reminder that they’re getting old.
However, some people grow gray hair as early as their teens.

 When graying begins usually is determined by genes, so if your mother or father became gray early, you may too. If you are one of those people who don’t find gray hair distinguished, you can easily cover your gray with one of the many different hair dyes available.

However, do you know gray hair can be a warning sign for stroke?

The main cause of grey hair is a lack of the essential nutrients, especially vitamin A and B group vitamins, along with the minerals copper, iron and zinc.

 Copper in particular is not only necessary for hair pigmentation it is needed by the body to maintain the health of the artery walls and without it you end up with what’s known as elastic fibre breakdown.

 When this occurs the arterial walls become weak, eventually causing an aneurism (the bal­looning of an artery or blood vessel). This is a life tthreatening condition as it can burst, resulting in either severe stroke or death.

A good case in point is Albert Einstein. If you ever saw pic­tures of him in his later years you would instantly recognise his bright silver grey hair.


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