Wednesday 21 January 2015

 Pope Francis’s advice to Catholics that they need not feel an obligation to breed “like rabbits” has drawn the ire of people who know a thing or two about the subject – rabbit breeders.

An association of breeders in Germany says that contrary to popular opinion, rabbits do not have a rampant sex drive and that the Pope should have chosen his words more carefully.

The Argentinean pontiff made the remarks on board the papal plane as he returned to Rome from a week-long trip to Sri Lanka and the Philippines.

While affirming the Catholic Church’s opposition to artificial contraception, he said parents should be responsible about how many children they had, implying that natural forms of contraception, such as avoiding sex during a woman’s most fertile period, should be used.

“Some people think – excuse the expression – that to be good Catholics we must be like rabbits. “No. We need responsible parenthood, this is clear,” he said, adding that he thought three was an ideal number of children.

 But Erwin Leowsky, the president of the German Rabbit Breeders Association, said the allusion to rabbits’ famed fecundity was “stupid”.

"He should really think harder about giving up expressions like that and allow people to use contraception instead. I think it would be much more appropriate than saying such stupid things."

The randy reputation of rabbits mostly applied to animals living in the wild, rather than those bred in captivity, Mr Leowsky said.

In his remarks on the flight back to Rome, the Pope cited the case of a woman he had met who was pregnant with her eighth child after seven caesarean sections.

"That is an irresponsibility!" he said, adding that there are "licit" or acceptable ways of regulating births that are approved by the Vatican - an apparent reference to the Natural Family Planning method of monitoring a woman's cycle to avoid intercourse when she is ovulating.


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